A vital part of Habitat for Humanity’s mission is the Habitat ReStore. Right here in the Okanagan, there are four Habitat ReStores located in Vernon, Kelowna, West Kelowna and Penticton which are operated by Habitat for Humanity Okanagan.
For more than a year now, Habitat for Humanity Okanagan has been raising funds for the purchase of a much needed newer more reliable forklift to keep up with the daily operations of all of their Habitat ReStores.
When local Rotarians learned of our need they took immediate action to help Habitat for Humanity Okanagan give a hand up to more families in need of affordable housing with their commitment to help us buy this critical piece of machinery to keep our ReStore operations going smoothly and to ensure our very popular Habitat for Humanity kitchen salvage program continues to move forward.
Thanks to local Rotarians and the significant funds that were committed by the Rotary Club of Kelowna, and the Rotary Club of Kelowna Ogopogo and other long time Rotarians who wish to remain anonymous, Habitat Okanagan was able to leverage all of the Rotary dollars to secure matching funds through the Central Okanagan Foundation and the Regional District of North Okanagan making the forklift purchase possible.
At a time where more families need affordable housing, these Rotarians and their clubs knew how important it is to keep our ReStore operations running as smoothly as possible.
Habitat for Humanity Okanagan invited Sheldon Paulger, Fundraising Committee Chair from the Rotary Club of Kelowna and Cal Nesdoly, President of the Rotary Club of Kelowna Ogopogo to unveil our new forklift at our Kelowna ReStore location on Enterprise Way to say thank you.
This is just one more example of how local Rotarians and Habitat for Humanity Okanagan are helping more local families achieve the strength, stability and self-reliance that they need to build a better future for themselves.