Save the date and your Easter empties!
Habitat for Humanity Okanagan is hosting our first bottle drive of 2022 to raise funds for our current build project of 12 affordable homes in Lake Country.
To donate, simply drop off your refundable containers at the West Kelowna ReStore (1793 Ross Rd) or the Kelowna ReStore (2092 Enterprise Way) on April 23rd from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Bottles do not need to be sorted as volunteers will take them to your vehicle.
Useful information for West Kelowna drop off:
Please bring your bottle donation to the back receiving area near the white shipping containers and a team of volunteers will help you unload. The address for the West Kelowna ReStore is 1793 Ross Rd.
Useful information for Kelowna drop off:
Please bring your bottle donation to the gravel area that is located immediately to the right of the ReStore after you proceed through the gates and a team of volunteers with help you unload. The address for the Kelowna ReStore is 2092 Enterprise Rd.
If you have any questions please feel free to email comms@hfhokanagan.ca
Can’t make it on April 23rd but still want to donate your refundable? Simply bring your empties to the nearest Columbia Bottle Depot and use our phone number: 778-755-4346. Columbia will credit your refunds to Habitat for Humanity Okanagan!