I hope that everyone had a great summer and, like me, managed to spend time with loved ones now that travel restrictions have eased.
It has been a busy summer for Habitat, our work never stops to give families the opportunity to own their own home. As we head into September, our focus is on getting the remaining homes finished and preparing for the key ceremony that will take place at the site 11 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. on the 3rd of October, to coincide with World Habitat Day. This is a momentous occasion for Habitat Okanagan as we complete the first phase of our largest build to date. We would like to see you there.
Wow! The ReStores blasted through their targets in August, we had a record month with each of them overachieving. This was partly due to the flooring donation, which was a great hit with our customers. I say this often, and I really do mean it, thank you to all our donors, shoppers, staff and volunteers for helping us achieve amazing results.
On the 10th of September, the Kelowna and West Kelowna stores are hosting bottle drives 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., as well as in Predator Ridge Vernon. Please donate your bottles and cans to this great cause to help us build homes and change the lives of families.
We are recruiting for board and committee members, anyone that is interested in helping us to make a difference is requested to signup as a volunteer through the website and indicate their area of interest.
The third quarter 50/50 raffles, both instore and online, close at the end of September. In our stores tickets can be purchased for $2 each and online via our website, we have multiple options 1 for $10, 3 for $25 and 10 for $50. Every dollar helps!
At the beginning of September, we welcomed Katie English as the marketing and communications coordinator. Katie is a fantastic addition to the Habitat team and will also be responsible for volunteer recruitment and engagement.
Have a great September!