Welcome to fall!
I’m very pleased to report that our build site has been very active. Several teams from the local community have been working on the first triplex and we are very grateful for the work they have done to prepare these homes for our families. Framing is about to commence on the other triplex and duplex with paving and curbs to be laid soon.
In mid-October, the office staff are hosting an event for the families. This will be the first time that many of them will meet and will be an opportunity for them to introduce themselves to their future neighbours over a Thanksgiving dinner.
The senior leadership team and board of directors will meet in October to develop a new strategic plan. This will set the direction for our organization for the next 3 years. The plan will be communicated when it’s ready for release.
Our last bottle drive of 2021 takes place on October 16th at the Kelowna and West Kelowna ReStores from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. So far this year we have raised $21,916 from this popular event. We need help to process the donations and anyone wanting to volunteer can do so following this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HBDoct16.
After 3 years at Habitat Okanagan, Lesley Phoenix has resigned from her position as manager of the Vernon ReStore. We thank Lesley for the work she has done to establish this store in the Vernon community and wish her the best of luck in her new job.
We are on course to have another great year and our focus for the last quarter is keeping the momentum going on our sales and fundraising efforts. Thank you to everyone that helps us to do this!
Have a great October!