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Beating Holiday Stress

The holidays can be joyful and provide us with opportunities to have a break from work or school. But, it’s also a very stressful time for a lot of people. Whether they’re stressed about gift-giving, receiving gifts, this season is almost always hectic.

With new regulations to stop the spread of the coronavirus, places shutting down for lockdown, it’s a new “normal” for us. But that doesn’t change the fact that it is the holiday season! These are ten tips that will hopefully help you reduce a little bit of the craziness that’s bound to happen over the next month.

Set a Budget

This will help you to avoid the temptation to buy those unnecessary items that you just know you will regret later. Make a budget, stick to it and your future self will definitely thank you for it. On the other hand, if you’re not able to buy anything at all if your favourite malls and shops are closed, turn to those D.I.Y. gifts. These are personally my favourite!

Learn to Say No

Be realistic – you know you won’t be able to attend every Christmas party or be present in every one of your favourite places when the clock strikes 12 on New Year’s day (especially amid COVID!). Say no to those events which you know you will have difficulty with attending or those you don’t feel comfortable going to.

Allow Some Time to Relax and Have Fun

It’s ironic that the holidays are meant for people to have fun but many people seem to forget about this! Lighten your mood and stay in a positive mood by spending time with those you love!

Stay Healthy

I myself am extremely guilty of binge eating on those sugar cookies and gingerbread men that just happen to fall into my hands. But remember to eat sugary foods in moderation, since your body will thank you for it once everything calms down a little bit after the festivities. Also, try not to fall into the trap of staying up to watch all those Christmas movies. Prioritizing your sleep should be number one on your list. One of the worst times to get sick is during the holidays so do everything you can to stay healthy!

Slow Down

You won’t be able to do everything all at once – it’s only not possible but you will feel tired and overwhelmed. Take a break and take it one step at a time.

Cancelled Plans

Almost everyone has experienced cancelled plans – especially during 2020. It’s not the best feeling, looking forward to something and having it cancelled over something that’s out of your control. Maybe you can’t visit your cousins like you do every year. Or maybe you don’t want to hold your annual Christmas party to keep your family safe. This does not mean you can’t make the most of the current circumstances some other way! Instead, you could always turn to online platforms like Zoom to watch a movie or two with your family if you are not able to see them.