It seems like school just ended, but it’s that time of the year again when students are getting ready to go back to school. For those of you who are preparing for a new school year, these tips are for you!
Choose the right backpack
A backpack that can fit all of your school supplies, one that is comfortable, and also something that you would be excited to wear are all important.
Get a routine
Many people thrive on routines, and so a back-to-school routine will help a ton. About a week before school starts, try to get back into a school preparation routine which should include both a nighttime and daytime routine. For instance, in the evening, a routine can include putting homework in your backpack, picking out your clothes for the next day and sleeping early.
Limit screentime
This is especially important right now since almost everything school-related is online as a result of the pandemic. I know firsthand that spending all day staring at a screen – even if it’s for school purposes – really isn’t good for your health. Try to spend some time every day taking a walk or just breathing in a couple of breaths of the fresh air outside.
Set goals
Set some goals for the new school year, like reading ten books over the course of the academic year or studying every day for 30 minutes. These goals can motivate you to work harder throughout the year.
Study a little every day
Even if you don’t have any pressing homework or assignments to complete, something to get into the habit of is to study a little bit every day. This will help you in the long term when studying for a test or exam.
Study space
A good study space without any distractions is a major part of excelling in school. But, it’s also important to consider that you don’t need only one study space. Although your desk can be a fantastic place to work, your dining room, a café, and even a park are all great study places.
Join clubs
Joining a sports team, a club, or any other extracurriculars is a great way to get involved and make new friends. This can also help you find a new hobby!
Make a friend in every class
Make a couple of friends in every class so that when you need help with homework or if you missed a day’s worth of notes, they will be ready to help you out – and you can do the same for them!
Take care of yourself
Yes, school is important but so is your health!
Going back to school after a long and relaxing summer should always be something to celebrate. Get a cake, some balloons to get yourself excited to go back to school!
Teachers always say that summer passes by in a flash, but we only realize that once summer is done and we are getting ready for the new school year. Enjoy these last few weeks of summer break, and stay safe!